Hosting an Angular App in Azure
There are various ways to host your Angular SPA in Azure, I believe I found the cheapest solution right here. It takes some time to configure but it's definitely worth the effort.
ARM Templates From A to Z
I'm struggling for a long long time with ARM templates. Now I got some time to work with them and found that they are still quite complicated, but explainable. I could not find a convenient A to Z tutorial or blog, so I decided to make one.
Why GitHub Actions Are Cool
For demo's, I host my code in GitHub. It's easy, fast and allows interested people to download and use your code in no-time. However, for some of these projects I like to build, test and even deploy stuff to test or demo environments so I can show them.
Azure Functions Single Responsibility
More and more developers see the power of serverless computing and understand the benefits. Also, our clients at 4DotNet start implementing serverless solutions. Unfortunately, I also see a lot of 'wrong' implementations.
Cognitive Services 101
Learn how to use the Computer Vision of Azure Cognitive Services and how to analyse picture and images. This blog explains how the service works and shows a demo using Azure Functions to send pictures to the service and show the outcome in a console window.
Hosting Hugo in Azure
A blog about how I converted and changed my blog from mini-blog to HUGO. Setting up the CI/CD and hosting environment in Azure.
Building real-time solutions with Azure Functions
Classic web systems are replaced by serverless systems and huge IT systems are thorn apart into microservices. Since Azure Functions became mature, they’re a really good replacement for classic ASP.NET Web solutions running on a Web App or on IIS. So I started using these serverless solutions more and more. Because I also like to create user-friendly software I often use the SignalR real-time framework to notify the user of processes going on on the server. Today, SignalR is one of the native cloud services Azure can deliver. During this blog, I’m going to implement this SignalR service.
Distributed Software With Service Bus
Today, everyone is moving to the cloud with their software system. Personally I’m pretty much fan of Microsoft Azure. My job is to support companies migrating software systems to the cloud. What I see, is that a lot of companies and developers don’t really know how cloud solutions work and how you can make them work for you.
Why Azure Functions Are So Cool
So I ran in to Azure Functions and realized I totally missed something there. One of my co-workers is a serverless advocate and kind of drew my attention about a year ago. And so I started exploring the world of serverless. First impression is that it’s hard to learn and complicated, but all these thoughts appeared to be not true… It’s just different. A different way of thinking and a different way of programming.
Azure Key Vault References
So now you had an introduction to DDD you’ve probably gotten enthusiastic and started right away, of course! And then you ran into a couple of problems. As mentioned, your domain model must (always) be in a valid state. However, for some reason you were not able to.
Hi, my name is Eduard Keilholz. I'm a Microsoft developer working at 4DotNet in The Netherlands. I like to speak at conferences about all and nothing, mostly Azure (or other cloud) related topics.